Voyager en montgolfière.

Les trajets en montgolfière ne sont pas précis, ils dépendent beaucoup des courants d'air. En effet, une montgolfière ne se dirige pas, elle suit le vent. Le pilote peut seulement contrôler la montée et la descente du ballon, en chauffant ou en refroidissant l'air à l'intérieur de l'enveloppe.

Le Tibet

AccueilTSC VoyagesThe Ruth Gorge in Alaska

The Ruth Gorge in Alaska

The Ruth Gorge in Alaska is home to some of the biggest granite walls in the world, the most pristine blue glacial pools, and yet some of the most unpredictable and inclement weather. This summer the window wasn’t right to attempt the first free ascent of Mt Dickey, so friends and climbing partners @alexhonnold (pictured here) and Renan spent most of their time stuck in a soggy tent discussing some of life biggest questions. The result is a short film we made called Life Coach, a vulnerable portrait of the realities of adventure filmmaking and the challenges of balance and passion that we all face as humans. Search “Life Coach Renan” online to find the link to the film! ~ @freddiewilkinson @rudy.le @landonbassett

natgeoPhoto by @renan_ozturk // Words by @taylorfreesolo //