The Ruth Gorge in Alaska
The Ruth Gorge in Alaska is home to some of the biggest granite walls in the world, the most pristine blue glacial pools, and yet some of the most unpredictable and inclement weather. This summer the window wasn't right to attempt the first free...
Agra, India
The majesty of the Taj Mahal contrasts the more rural banks of the River Yamuna, where these handlers have led their camels. The Yamuna is the second largest—but longest—tributary of the mighty Ganges River. The confluence of the Yamuna and Ganges is considered a...
Jaipur, India
The stepwells of India were once vital in dry, rain-starved regions like the Indian state Rajasthan. The Panna Meena ka Kund stepwell in Jaipur was built in the 16th century and was used not just as a place to collect water, but also to gather, relax, and swim.
L’espace infini
Le temps de lire le titre de cet article, vous avez parcouru près de 1 000 km sans rien sentir. Car la Terre et le système solaire suivent notre galaxie, la Voie lactée, dans sa course effrénée à travers l’espace. Vitesse de croisière : 630 km/s. Cela,...
Vietnam pêcheur et cormorans
Depuis des temps immémoriaux, les rives sinueuses du Vietnam ont été le théâtre d'une tradition de pêche unique qui unit l'homme à la nature de manière inédite. Au cœur de cette tradition se trouvent les cormorans, de gracieux oiseaux aquatiques qui sont non seulement...